Self-portraits: Sony A7III, 85mm
I love design, photography, musicals (Hamilton!), reading (historical romance novels are my oh so sweet not-so guilty pleasure), traveling and exploring the world (Iceland!!!!), laughing (who doesn't?), having adventures (big and small) and cats. (Not the musical cats. Real life, real world cats, of which I have two. Cats the musical is...it's just...listen...let's not get into Cats the musical.)
I am currently a lead multimedia designer for Independence Blue Cross in Philadelphia, and also freelance with local non-profit organizations. I believe strongly that good design and good photography can tell strong stories, and people deserve to have their stories told.
I can help you create, design, shape, tell your story.

Photos taken by @Calvin Tan Magic
I love to learn, teach and mentor, and am always up for a challenge.
...Like that time I took trapeze class even though I'm afraid of heights. Or deciding to train for a 5K (and then a 10K, then a 15K, and then a 10 miler) even though I don't love running. Eloping in Iceland. Changing careers from history to graphic design & photography, learning and teaching myself along the way.
...Or like the challenges I face with every new design or photography project. It's my challenge to figure out the best way to visually tell a story. And I thrive on figuring it out!

Thank you for your message. I'll be in touch as soon as possible!-Andrea, Miller Tan Creative