Introductory video for the "Photojournalism: The History Way" lesson plan.

After completing an Adobe class called "Photojournalism for Educators," I was hired by Adobe to create a lesson plan package expanding on the topic for 9-12th grade teachers. The lesson plan was specifically designed for educators in an online space, but could be adapted to in-person learning. In addition to a lesson, I also created an introductory video and a sample historical photo essay for teachers to use an example. This was a multimedia project that incorporated design, research, writing, analysis, and learning.
The challenge for this project was to develop a cohesive narrative to tell between all of the different assets. How will a video, sample photo essay, and lesson plan all fit together? It was important to emphasize how photos can be used as engaging primary sources. Teachers and students often view analyzing photos as a complex skill that is hard to incorporate into traditional text-based sources. It was important to create a package that was visually appealing for teachers and also easy for them to use and follow.
Role: Designer, Videographer, Researcher, Site Designer, Educator, Learning & Development
Thank you for your message. I'll be in touch shortly.-Andrea,Miller Tan Creative

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